Bermuda Corporate Games Website

The Corporate Games is a mass-participation multi-sport festival that has been staged in various countries around the world over the past 30 years. Whitfield became the official Licensee for the Games in the Atlantic region, bringing the Games to Bermuda for the first time in Games history.

The event attracted local, regional and world participation from thousands of athletes and spectators, taking part in over 120 events across 18 sports. As host to this major event, Whitfield organized the Games down to the last detail, coordinating all sports, business networking, social activities along with website, event app, video production, printed materials and post-event economic impact report for local stakeholders.

As part of the event delivery, Whitfield built a bespoke website for the event and CMS-driven online registration system that was used to share information on the event and register over 2000+ athletes across multiple events.  The website provided information on all 18 sports and celebrations.

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Responsive website for desktop and handheld devices
CMS-driven online registration system
Registration and modification of over 2000+ athlete entries
Online registration system utilised a complex list of scheduling rules built into the program to ensure athletes were eligible for sports categories

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